We're sorry to inform you that this page will not be updated any longer because Dorand passed away on 12/2/02.  Dor enjoyed riding and knowing you all...as you know his motto always was "Ride hard, you can rest when you die."  We will be having a "Celebration of Life" at a later date.  We will keep you all posted. 
-Jane, Abigail & Nathan Rowell

This site is about a little boy named Dor who grew up riding his bike around Omaha and the people who ride with him.

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Haiku taken off the internet.

Latte sipping cell
phone gabbing monster truck mom
Let me live today

Here goes another holiday. Hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving and eats a bucket of food. I'm working the Old Dundee on 50th and Dodge Friday day and Sunday day. If you are bored while your significant other is out shopping or feel the need to ride your bike on the streets stop by.

New email from Chris. Anyone have any ideas?
No plans as such... I arrive at around 5pm on thurs 28th Nov and leave around 3pm on
Saturday 7th Dec. If you guys want to arrange to get together one day/evening during that time I guarantee that I'll be there, I've missed hanging out with you guys.
I've already booked 3 weeks vacation for next July for RAGBRAI (wish I could
make it for Okoboji too but I need some vacation to go to Munich on
tour with the rugby team for 5 days, and I'm doing the 2 Towers ride, which
is Blackpool to Paris). I'm trying to get enough sponsorship to do a charity ride of 800 miles on the Great Wall of China, I need £2500 in sponsorship to qualify so I'm
turning on the charm with the Directors at work... and anyone else who is a potential sponsor!
As I say, if you guys arrange a get-together I promise to be there!

Catch you later guys...
Here is Chris' email address if anyone wants to connect with him. chris_matthews66@hotmail.com
What can I say!

Just click here to send me an email.


Buzz the fly is a weekly cartoon drawn by local artist Steve Ward. Click on Buzz to go to the Buzz the Fly website for this week's cartoon.

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